Desert Enemy Achinya Enters Super Mario Odyssey
High resolution screens of the newest Sand Kingdom enemy 「古代アッチーニャ人」 – translated as Ancient Achinya – enter the scene.
High resolution screens of the newest Sand Kingdom enemy 「古代アッチーニャ人」 – translated as Ancient Achinya – enter the scene.
The Super Mario Odyssey Twitter is continuing to release high-res artwork of Capture Mario enemies – today, Bullet Bill 「キラー」 is up.
Today we’re treated to a nice spread of the Kingdom Map for Sand Kingdom 「アッチーニャ」, as well as a neat tidbit relating to fast travel.
The area reveals continue, with Cappy’s hometown Caburon 「カブロン」 being featured. We also get a look inside the cabin of The Odyssey.
More screens detailing the features of The Odyssey uploaded – giving us a closer look at the ships model and details.
Mario and Cappy’s means of transportation – The Odyssey – is given a breakdown, with a hint that we’ll be traversing the Moon soon enough.
The Odyssey Twitter account has released high-res art for the possessed Chain Chomp – Wan Wan 「ワンワン」 – as well as a snippet of what Capture Chain Chomp is capable of.
In what looks to be the first in a set of area reveals for Super Mario Odyssey, the JPN Twitter account has shown off Dino Falls.