Super Mario Odyssey Crazy Cappy employees are wearing Crazy Caps

New Donk City is home to some wacky, and slightly jarring human characters in Super Mario Odyssey. Crazy Cappy is no exception – making for quite the crazy contrast with Mario and Bowser.

Crazy Cappy employees take their job rather seriously. So seriously in fact, that they’re willing to wear these crazy caps. That’s positively…crazy. But, I can’t shake the feeling these faces have appeared once before.

Sonic The Hedgehog 2006

Sonic The Hedgehog (2006) – that’s definitely it. You tell them, you crazy old man.

In the City Kingdom (New Donk City) are these Head Office Employees.
I guess it’s as the name implies?
These are rather Crazy caps they’re wearing.

Super Mario Odyssey looks to be taking the insane motif to rather extreme lengths – to say it will be interesting is putting it lightly.
