Last weeks Gear glitch from SplatNet 2 has been fixed, as well as a League Match Record glitch.
However, of more importance are the Main Weapon changes. A number of Main Weapons have had required charge times for Special Weapons altered. You can read the justification for this in the below Tweet from SplatoonJP. Note that the below table is taken from the US Nintendo site.
At the end of this Tweet, we’re also given the planned date for the next Splatoon 2 Patch – the middle of August.
Adjustments to the frequency of use for a portion of Special Weapons has been made, while maintaining the feel of Main Weapons with a minor extent of balance changes – these have been prepared and will be implemented.
The next update targeted at Main Weapon ease of use is planned for deployment in the middle of August.
Update Data Version 1.1.2 has been released for distribution.
Please check the following link for Update Data details [Official Japanese Patch Notes Link]
次回は、一部のメインウェポンの使い勝手を向上させることを意図した調整を、8月中に行う予定です。— Splatoon(スプラトゥーン) (@SplatoonJP) July 27, 2017
Translated Japanese Patch notes are provided here for your perusal, per the Nintendo Japan website. Not much different to the English region patch explanations, though apparently the Gear from last weeks SplatNet 2 glitch can be bought in game now.
- ゲソタウンで一時的に発生した不具合で入手できた、本来あり得ない組み合わせのギアパワーがついたギアを所持していた場合、ショップで購入できるものと同じギアパワーに変更されるようにしました。
- A temporarily occurring flaw previously came to light at SplatNet2 (JPN: Geso Town), where an originally unobtainable combination of Gear Abilities came into players possession – a change has been made so that at Shops, Gear with these same Abilities will be available for purchase.
- リーグマッチの「過去のきろくをみる」画面からランキングを開いたときに、ページが正しく表示されない不具合を修正しました。
- A flaw, where when looking at the League Match Battle History screen incorrect details were displayed, has now been fixed.