Last weekends Splatfest brought us a new stage – the Spooky Station (Mystery Zone in Japan) – as well as two new Splatoon 2 tracks. Now both are available to listen to on YouTube, uploaded by the Official Nintendo YouTube account.
The first track is titled Ripple Refrain 「リップル・リフレイン」。
Introducing Off The Hooks new song, released during the Splatfest – Ripple Refrain.
Two vocals, like ripples, overlapping each other – it’s a dance-able House number.
Like a squid in water, you can hear the agile Pearl rap at the same time.
水を得たイカのようにキレッキレなヒメのラップも聴きどころだ。— Splatoon(スプラトゥーン) (@SplatoonJP) August 7, 2017
The official name of the second track is Red Hot Egoist 「レド・ホット・エゴイスト」。
And there’s one more new track, Red Hot Egoist.
An exotic melody entwined with Marina’s fascinating vocals; and Pearl’s superior soprano rapping – it will push the audience and the audio system to the limit!
エキゾチックなメロディーにイイダの妖艶なボーカルが絡み合い、ヒメの超絶早口からの高音ボイスで、オーディエンスも音響機器も限界寸前だ!— Splatoon(スプラトゥーン) (@SplatoonJP) August 7, 2017
Let’s hope for a few more tracks to keep the Splatoon 2 multiplayer interesting. The audio style is heading a in a poppy, electronic direction – and I like it.