While more of the same of what was originally translated in the first Patch post, the official Nintendo Japan website has released an article combing over the Patch features. The translated breakdown is below.
Boing Boing! Hello everyone! It’s yours truly, Cobutter!
It’s sudden, but from today, ARMS Ver. 1.1.0 update is released! Of the newest additions, there are 2 new functions introduced!
New Feature No.1 : Arena Mode
First off, the private one-on-one fight mode “Arena Mode”! With Friends or through Local Play, and the newly introduced LAN Play, is a new mode to look forward to!
In Arena Mode, you can create a lobby for a one-on-one, best of 3 private match. Four people can join this lobby. You can limit the stages that appear in this mode. My goodness – Ribbon Ring to my hearts content! The 2 players that aren’t fighting can spectate the match.
When spectating, you can switch between split-screen, behind each Player’s back, or the automatically moving camera. From different angles, you can check out each players fighting style! When you bring your Nintendo Switch to a large gathering, the Arena Mode is quite handy don’t you think?
New Feature No.2 : LAN Play
In addition, the second new feature is LAN Play!
LAN (Local Area Network) is a mode where you can connect to another Nintendo Switch and play! The benefit being Cable communication (ethernet). If you want a stable connection, LAN is recommended. For more details regarding LAN Play, please look here.
At the menu screen, while pressing the L-Stick, if you then press the L and R button, the menu will change from Local Play to LAN Play! What a cool, hidden command! With LAN Play, you can change the rules as you fight (Party Mode – up to 8 Players), as well as use the previously introduced Arena Mode (up to 4 Players).
Other New Features in Ver. 1.1.0.
To see whether or not you’ve updated the software, you can check the bottom left of the Title Screen. If the cute numbers are shown, you’re using the update!
With these latest fight modes, it’s guaranteed there will be many more exciting fights each day! For now, till we meet again! Boing!