The Elusiveness of Twintelle’s Hair – ARMS Lab Report 5

ARMS Lab operatives have been attempting to steal samples of Twintelle’s hair – and that is really creepy. Read more of ARMS Lab Report 5!

Twintelle is the only ARMS Fighter who uses her hair to fight. This has always been quite strange, and no official explanation has been given as to why. Well, now we know – because not even those in the ARMS Lab understand Twintelle’s hair!

ARMS Lab Report 5:
Manifestation of the ARMS ability through hair is unprecedented.
Requests to co-operate and research with the subject have been denied 3 times.
To investigate further will require a sample.
At this stage, several ARMS Employees have been sent to infiltrate and retrieve “fallen hair samples”, however – we’ve since lost contact.
Could it be that this woman doesn’t actually have the ARMS Ability?
But, we’re unable to reach an explanation for her Iris…(JT: Read more on the Iris trait here)

From the sounds of it, Twintelle has been dealing with sneaky ARMS Lab operatives quite handily. But seriously – sneaking after samples of somebody’s hair…that’s just one step too far!
