Biff Sneaks Onto Live TV at the ARMS Grand Prix Final

Biff is currently Nintendo’s most carefree, happy-go-lucky mascot. If you’re wondering why – it’s because of bizarre videos like this.

ARMS Stage Reveal

Biff has an obsession with the ARMS Chairman, Max Brass. You could say it’s borderline unhealthy, but I say he just loves his idol. We don’t know a whole lot about what Biff is, and where he has come from. But we do know that he’s a smiling, shining beacon of happiness, and proof that if you believe in yourself, you too might end up on TV.

Today, I’m spectating the match incognito!!
Usually, tickets to the ARMS Grand Prix Final inevitably sell out, but thanks to the ARMS Association Welfare System, I received a leftover ticket – woo!
Ah, Chairman…you’re so cool…I’m spellbound…wah, wait – Mr Camera-man? Ahhhh!!

So cute and shy, and so super-imposed into this footage. Just what exactly are you, Biff?
