Mayonnaise vs Ketchup Splatfest artwork of classy Marina and messy Pearl

If you still had any doubt over which team to pick for the upcoming Mayonnaise vs Ketchup Splatfest, then doubt no more. After all, only sloppy Pearl fans would pick Mayo.

Mayonnaise vs Ketchup Splatoon

With less than 3 days to go until the Splatfest festivities commence, it’s time to reflect about the repercussions of our choices. This image, this artwork, gifted to us by Nintendo, encapsulates the stark contrast between condiments. But, it takes it one step further. Those condiments are a reflection of who we are. How we conduct ourselves. And today, we learn a little bit more about those who would choose Mayo over Ketchup.

The current topic is 「Mayonnaise vs Ketchup]」。
Equally competent, they are the almighty staple condiments.
Without Mayonnaise…you can’t make a Tuna Sandwich or Potato Salad…
Eh, wait – but without Ketchup, you can’t make Omelette and Rice, or Napoletana Pasta…
Hmm…which should I pick…?

This weekend, make the right choice. Choose Ketchup. Choose Marina. But don’t make Napoletana Pasta with Ketchup. That’s just wrong.
